
All classes broadly associated with the dataset creation and manipulation

Interpolation: Summary

cubic(b, t[, a0, b0])
param a:(float/ndarray) the lower bound from which to interpolate
linear(b, t, *_)
param a:(float/ndarray) the lower bound from which to interpolate
slerp(quat1, t, *_)
param quat0:(ndarray) the lower rotational bound from which to interpolate (4x1 vector). Will be normalized

Sequence: Summary

__init__(path[, stereosync, calibration])
param str path:the path to one sequence of the dataset, such as ~/ShutTUM/0001
param float/slice stamp:
 either the time at which to look up the values or a slice object (e.g. start:stop)
param str shutter:
 {both/global/rolling} the type of shutter you are interested in.
duration The duration of the record in seconds as float, so basically:
end The end time of the record as Unix Timestamp in seconds with decimal places
return:a Namped Tuple Limits(min, max) indicating the minimum
gamma(cam, input)
param str cam:the name of the camera (e.g. "cam1")
return:Generator property, yielding one Imu after the other
return:Generator property, yielding one GroundTruth value after the other
raw The raw values in matrix form.
resolution Returns the resolution of the cameras as a named tuple Resolution (width, height)
rolling_shutter_speed How fast did the two rolling shutter cameras shuttered.
stereosync Enables/Disables frame synchronization between cameras.
start The start time of the record as Unix Timestamp in seconds with decimal places
times A list of all time stamps in this sequence.
param str cam:the name of the camera to lookup its vignette (e.g. "cam1")
class ShutTUM.Interpolation[source]

Interpolation lets you calculate intermediate values between two boarders, based on a given formula.


ShutTUM’s data is recorded at different frequencies. Images are timestamped at around 20 Hz, Imu measurements at 160 Hz (exactly multiples per image), while Ground Truth data is clocked at 120 Hz. To get relateable measurements, you must sometimes interpolate between two values.

ShutTUM supports currently three interpolation methods, namely linear, cubic and slerp. However it is possible to define your own function and hand it over to interpolating methods, such as GroundTruth.interpolate or Imu.interpolate:

def some_crazy_interpolation(a,b,t, a0, b0):
    return a + b - 17*t**2

# Then use it like so
t = 1.5  # [s] Time stamp at which to interpolate
x = sequence.imu[0].interpolate(sequence, t, accelaration_interpolation=some_crazy_interpolation)

# Now x is interpolated between the imu values closest to 1.5s with the crazy function
static cubic(b, t, a0=None, b0=None)[source]
  • a

    (float/ndarray) the lower bound from which to interpolate

  • b

    (float/ndarray) the upper bound to which to interpolate

  • t – (float) t: the value between 0 .. 1 of the interpolation
  • a0

    (float/ndarray) the value before a, from which the tangent in a is calculated. If None, a0 = a

  • b0

    float/ndarray) the value after b, from which the tangent in b is calculated. If None, b0 = b

Return type:


Interpolate cubically between two points. Note that a, b, a0 and a0 must all have the same shape.

\[x(t) = a + \frac{1}{2} t \cdot \left ( b - a_0 + t \cdot \left (2 a_0 - 5 a + 4 b - b_0 + t \cdot \left (3 \cdot \left (a - b \right ) + b_0 - a_0 \right ) \right ) \right ) \]
static linear(b, t, *_)[source]
  • a

    (float/ndarray) the lower bound from which to interpolate

  • b

    (float/ndarray) the upper bound to which to interpolate

  • t – (float) the value between 0 .. 1 of the interpolation
  • _ – further args are ignored but required in the function definition (see cubic)
Return type:


Interpolate linearly between two points

\[x(t) = \left (1 - t \right ) \cdot a + t \cdot b\]


# Find the average between two 3D vectors
v1 = np.array([0,0,1])
v2 = np.array([5,0,0])
v  = Interpolation.linear(v1, v2, .5)   # np.array([2.5,0,0.5])
static slerp(quat1, t, *_)[source]
  • quat0

    (ndarray) the lower rotational bound from which to interpolate (4x1 vector). Will be normalized

  • quat1

    (ndarray) the upper rotational bound to which to interpolate (4x1 vector). Will be normalized

  • t – (float) the value between 0 .. 1 of the interpolation
  • _ – further args are ignored but required in the function definition (see cubic)
Return type:


Interpolate spherically between two quaternions. This method is mostly used to interpolate rotations. Directly copied from

class ShutTUM.sequence.Sequence(path, stereosync=True, calibration=False)[source]

The base class representing one dataset sequence.

In order for performent operations the sequence loads and checks lots of the data in its __init__ thus avoiding expensive checks in for loops or list comprehensions. In addition it holds the reference to list-like objects, such as cameras or imu. You can iterate over each of these (depending on application) to get the corresponding Value s in order.

A typical application might look like:

# Load a dataset's sequence
sequence = Sequence('path/to/folder/01')

# Iterate over all imu values and find corresponding images
for observation in sequence.imu:
    stereo = observation.stereo(shutter='global')
    if stereo is None: continue
Parameters:shutter (str) – {both/global/rolling} the type of shutter you are interested in.
Returns:The reference of the cameras, which you can iterate either as StereoCamera (global/rolling)or DuoStereoCamera (both)
Raise:ValueError: for anything other then both/global/rolling

Get a reference to one or both of the two stereo cameras, to iterate over their images

Note that often you want to directly iterate over those references, which you can do like:

# Iterate over both rolling and global images
for g, r in sequence.cameras(shutter='both'):

See also



The duration of the record in seconds as float, so basically: sequence.end - sequence.start


The end time of the record as Unix Timestamp in seconds with decimal places

Returns:a Namped Tuple Limits(min, max) indicating the minimum

and maximum exposure time in milliseconds which occurred during this sequence

The minimal & maximal exposure used for all cameras. Note that these values are the limits not the extrema of the record, so most of the time, these will not be reached, but if, clamped accordingly.:

limits = sequence.exposure_limits
print("Limits are %s .. %s ms" % (limits.min, limits.max))
gamma(cam, input)[source]
  • cam (str) – the name of the camera (e.g. "cam1")
  • input (float) – the position to lookup, i.e. X-axis on luminance plot. Between 0 .. 255, will be rounded to int

ValueError: for unknown camera names or inputs below 0 or above 255

Lookup a gamma value from params/<cam>/gamma.txt

Returns:Generator property, yielding one Imu after the other

This property is a python generator, which you can use to iterate over all available Imu s in this sequence. Note that generators do not support indexing.

Note that often you want to directly iterate over the Imu like so:

# Iterate over all imu values
for observation in sequence.imu:
# When you want e.g. the first imu value use:
first_imu = next(sequence.imu)

# When you absolutely need indexing convert the generator to a in memory list first
imus = list(sequence.imu)

# Use the usual python "functional" shenanigans
imus_up_to_10s = filter(lambda imu: imu.stamp <= 10, sequence.imu)
imus_up_to_10s = [ imu for imu in sequence.imu if imu.stamp <= 10 ]

acc_in_g = map(lambda imu: imu.acceleration * 9.805, sequence.imu)
acc_in_g = [ imu.acceleration * 9.805 for imu in sequence.imu ]

# Note that generators don't implement __len__()
# to get the amount of imu values in this sequence either use
N = len(list(sequence.imu))               # or:
N = sum([ 1 for value in sequence.imu ])  # which is the same as:
N = sequence.raw.imu.shape[0]
lookup_cam_name(shutter, side)[source]

Find the corresponding name of the camera for a given shutter and side

  • shutter – either one of {"global", "rolling"}
  • side – either one of {'L', 'R' }

one of {"cam1" .. "cam4"} or raises ValueError on invalid parameters

Returns:Generator property, yielding one GroundTruth value after the other

This property is a python generator, which you can use to iterate over all available GroundTruth s in this sequence. Note that generators do not support indexing.

Note that often you want to directly iterate over the Mocap like so:

# Iterate over all ground truth values
for gt in sequence.mocap:
    c1_T_w = gt >> 'cam1'   # pose of cam1 in world frame

# When you want e.g. the first ground truth value use:
first_gt = next(sequence.mocap)

# When you absolutely need indexing convert the generator to a in memory list first
gts = list(sequence.mocap)

# Use the usual python "functional" shenanigans
gts_from_10s = filter(lambda gt: gt.stamp >= 10, sequence.mocap)
gts_from_10s = [ gt for gt in sequence.mocap if gt.stamp >= 10 ]

# Note that generators don't implement __len__()
# to get the amount of imu values in this sequence either use
N = len(list(sequence.mocap))               # or:
N = sum([ 1 for value in sequence.mocap ])  # which is the same as:
N = sequence.raw.groundtruth.shape[0]

The path to this sequence. Environment variables get expanded automatically


The raw values in matrix form. This property is a Named Tuple with the following fields:

  • frames (ndarray) corresponding to data/frames.csv
  • imu (ndarray) corresponding to data/imu.csv
  • groundtruth (ndarray) corresponding to data/ground_truth.csv

Returns the resolution of the cameras as a named tuple Resolution (width, height)


How fast did the two rolling shutter cameras shuttered. Returns the time between the exposure of two consecutive rows in milli seconds (approximate)


Which shutter method uses each camera.

Returns one of the two following dictionaries:

# For sequences with odd ID
    'cam1': 'global'
    'cam2': 'global'
    'cam3': 'rolling'
    'cam4': 'rolling'

# For sequences with even ID
    'cam1': 'rolling'
    'cam2': 'rolling'
    'cam3': 'global'
    'cam4': 'global'

The start time of the record as Unix Timestamp in seconds with decimal places


Enables/Disables frame synchronization between cameras. (default True)

When working with stereo images you obviously need two images. Sometimes, however, one camera has recorded a frame while its opposite has dropped a frame. With the stereosync option you can specify how to handle these frame drops.


With stereosync enabled, you iterate only over frames which have been captured by both cameras. With stereosync disabled, you iterate over all stereo images which have at least one camera captured an image. If both cams occurred to drop the same frame, this will be skipped in the iterations. The dropped Image is set to None:

sequence.stereosync = False

left_drops, right_drops = [], []
for stereo in sequence.cameras('global'):
    if stereo.L is None: left_drops.append(stereo.ID)
    if stereo.R is None: right_drops.append(stereo.ID)
print('Left Camera dropped frames:  %s' % left_drops)
print('Right Camera dropped frames: %s' % right_drops)

A list of all time stamps in this sequence.

\[\mathbf{t} = \mathbf{t}_{frames} \cup \mathbf{t}_{imu} \cup \mathbf{t}_{groundtruth}\]

Note that this list is sorted, so you can easily iterate over it like so:

for time in sequence.times:
Parameters:cam (str) – the name of the camera to lookup its vignette (e.g. "cam1")
Returns:the vignette image, read by cv2.imread() with dimensions [1280x1024] as grayscale
Return type:ndarray
Sequence.__init__(path, stereosync=True, calibration=False)[source]
  • path (str) – the path to one sequence of the dataset, such as ~/ShutTUM/0001
  • stereosync (bool) – possiblity to set the stereosync option in constructor
  • calibration (bool) – is this a calibration sequence? If yes, cam1 and cam2 are used as global

while cam3 and cam4 are set under the rolling namespace :raises: ValueError: if anything goes wrong Load the sequence into memory (except images) and do basic data consistency checks.

  1. It is checked that in path there exists a data, frames and params folder
  2. It is checked that there exists the files data/frames.csv, data/imu.csv and data/ground_truth.csv
  3. The files from 2. are loaded into memory (see raw)
  4. The params/time.yaml is loaded
  5. The params/params.yaml is loaded

See also


Parameters:stamp (float/slice) – either the time at which to look up the values or a slice object (e.g. start:stop) defining a range of time stamps, between which to lookup the values. If the start value of the slice is before start, or the end value of the slice is after end, then the generator yield up to start or end, respectively. Note that times for the slice are both inclusive unlike normal python index slices.
either a named tuple with the fields

or a generator yielding multiple (or none) of these. If any of the values of the above tuple does not exist for the stamp, it becomes None. Note the spelling of global_, since global is a reserved keyword in python.

Looks up all corresponding Value s it can find for a given time stamp:

sequence = Sequence(...)

# The single lookup with one float as index
for time in sequence.times:
    data = sequence[time]
    if data.global_     is not None: print(data.global_.ID)
    if data.rolling     is not None: print(data.rolling.ID)
    if data.imu         is not None: print(data.imu.acceleration)
    if data.groundtruth is not None: print(data.groundtruth.marker)

# ... or the sliced version specifying all data between 5s .. 45s
for data in sequence[5:45]:
# ... or all up to 10s
for data in sequence[:10]:
# ... or all from 30s till end
for data in sequence[30:]:
# Custom steps, however, are not supported:
    x = sequence[::-1]
except ValueError:
    print("Doesn't make sense...")

Note, though, that this is not the most performant thing to iterate over the sequence, since the lookup has to be done on every iteration. Consider iterating over cameras, imu or mocap instead.